MOOC “Datenbanken: Entdecke die Welt von SQL” (AAU Klagenfurt)

The focus of the MOOC is the data query language SQL which is the best known relational query language. The MOOC starts with a short introduction into the word of databases and the theoretical fundamentals. Further topics are the creation and filling of SQL-databases, first simple SQL-queries as well as complex and nested queries.

The animated character Sam Winter leads through the course (see Figure 1). She accompanies the students in this course through all lessons as a fictional database expert.

And it will be exciting, because the MOOC follows a particular learning approach! Get out of the classroom and into the coffee house or the police station. Thereby, in the individual lessons we will always be on the trail of necessary basic knowledge, interactive examples and tasks. Furthermore, you can jump freely between lessons and, therefor, focus on exactly what is interesting for you or what you need.

Figure 1: database expert Sam Winters

Type of the MOOC: animation


  1. Willkommen im Kurs / Überblick
  2. Einführung in Datenbanken und SQL
  3. Relationale Algebra als theoretische Grundlage
  4. Anlegen einer SQL-Datenbank
  5. Einfache SQL-Abfragen
  6. Arbeiten mit speziellen Datentypen
  7. Abfragen über mehrere Tabellen
  8. Aggregatfunktionen und Gruppierung in Abfragen
  9. Subqueries, Views und Transaktionen


  • Andreas Bollin, (didactic consultant), andreas.bollin at
  • Claudia Steinberger, (steering committee, lead of the MOOC), claudia.steinberger at
  • Michael Morak, (evaluation team), michael.morak at
  • Nina Lobnig, (senior scientist), nina.lobnig at
  • Claudia van der Rijst, (student assistant), claudia.rijst at
  • Nicole Burgstaller, (student assistant), nicole.burgstaller at